Hi, I’m Kassie, founder of Radiant Gut Revival.

I’m a Gut Health Practitioner & Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.

& I’m overjoyed you’re here.

My Story

For over a decade I struggled with constipation, food sensitivities, and extremely painful bloat. I never felt comfortable in my clothes, or in my own body even.

Without running any tests or having the opportunity to have a deeper discussion with my provider, I was told I had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), avoid “trigger” foods, and to take Miralax. 

I felt invalidated and hopeless. I couldn’t grasp the fact that this was my “normal” and that I would have to live miserably for the rest of my life.

So, after I became a Registered Dietitian, I started to hear more about functional medicine and the benefits of taking a root-cause approach, & I dove head first into the research.

I quickly realized that I wasn’t getting better because I was missing KEY pieces to my gut puzzle.

Shifting my focus away from the IBS diagnosis and towards looking at the whole picture, helped me discover what was really going on. Not only did I learn that I was living in a constant state of fight-or-flight, but I also had high levels of H pylori, gut bacterial imbalances, and low stomach acid - the real reason for my symptoms.

It still stings to know that I went so long not understanding why everything I tried ended up failing.

My life transformed and today I am an even better version of myself. Now I get to help women who walk the path I once traveled, uncover the true source of their symptoms and live vibrantly again.

My Education & Credentials

With all the misinformation online, it can be hard to know who you can trust. It is important to me that my practice is built on evidence-based solutions to your symptoms.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Gut Practitioner Program

Instant HTMA Professional Training

Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine Certification Program (still completing); University of Western States

Kind Words

  • "Kassie provides you with so much support and advice along the way."

  • "Kassie was super helpful in her holistic , well-rounded approach to gut health."

  • "Working with Kassie has been truly life-changing!"

  • "Working with Kassie was so great because you can tell she WANTS to see you succeed and have relief."